
Implementation Services

Our Implementation Services offer our clients flexibility to choose their solutions.

Implementation Services
Implementation and Configuration

This includes installation, configuration, monitoring, proxies, and more for ICOMS on servers based on client requirements.

Property Survey

This includes specialised manpower services for conducting door-to-door property survey.

Geo-Mapping Services

This includes specialised manpower services for creating the maps and geo-fencing the city, zones, wards, and beat boundaries.

Managed Services

This includes specialised manpower services for managing all IT related activities such as User Creation, Role Assignment, Monitoring of Operations, and more. Please use specialised instead of specialized in the last point.

Third Party Integration Implementation Services

This includes specialized manpower services for integrating with any other open system and IOT devices.

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LEADER In the Smart City Solutions

SOLUTIONS For all municipal corporations functions

CLOUD Enabled

INTEGRATION - real time integration capabilities

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