
AI Based - Road Conditioning Monitoring

Footpath, Central Verge, Manholes, Precast Slabs, Signage’s, Poles, Subways, Foot over bridge, Road side railing’s, Road cracks and many more…

Improving the efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of road maintenance

ICOMS AI Based Road Conditioning Monitoring solution transforms the road management with the power of AI.


Beats and Geo Mapping of Roads and Assets

The solution has the features to draw the beats (which will be physical area covering the range in meters) of all the Roads and Assets. Maps existing geo spatial data and collect geo-location of all facility points in existence. This system provides the wide range of capabilities such as data visualization, analysis, understanding and insight into Roads activities, both current and planned. The key points are

Asset Management

The Asset Management solution has the feature to digitize the Road Assets (Movable and Immovable) such as roads, bridges, tunnels, streetlights, road signs, pavements, and drainage systems etc. By tagging all the assets the system identifies and records all assets in the form of digital inventory. The key points are

Contract Management

The Contract Management solution has the feature to create and maintain the agreements. The solution maintains the terms and conditions of contract for monitoring the compliance and service level agreements. The key points are

Project Management

The Project Management solution has the feature to upload projects along with the checklist documentation. The solution allows all the stakeholders to digitally track the project progress and functionalities. The solution has the GIS based monitoring and control through periodic online uploading of photographs of progress on project site along with its geo-coordinates. The key points are

Document Management

The Document Management solution has the feature to store, organize and maintaining electronic or paper-based documents and information. The key points are

HR Hub – Attendance Management and Manpower Monitoring

The Attendance Management solution has the feature to mark the attendance. The solution allows the staff or the supervisor to mark their attendance from the mobile app. The attendance app has the functionality of capturing the geo – coordinates and photo at the time of marking the attendance. The key points are

AI Based - Visuals Data Collection

The solution has the feature of collecting the visual information about the infrastructure of the city / roads. These visuals are used for the monitoring and providing the alerts and warnings based on the deviations. The key points are

Fleet Management and Route Planning

The Fleet management solution has the feature to offer easy-to-use daily management of monitoring vehicles and routes which are used to collect the data visuals. The fleet management solution provides real-time tracking, management and analysis of Road Condition monitoring operations. The key features are

Service Level Agreements

The solution has the feature of configuring and defining the Service Level agreements against the contracts. The SLAs helps to set the response and resolution times in contract tickets. Each SLA can be configured to operate either for calendar hours (24*7) or specific business hours. The key points are

Citizen App

The self- service app that streamlines road condition requests and boosts service levels for citizens. The key points are

Learning and Awareness

The solution has the feature of capturing the IEC activities. The key features are


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